There are three main problems with the ROI/ payback period method ROI/偿还期方法有三个主要问题
The rate of power saving and payback period were calculated with the analytical method of month by month. 结合工程实例,采用逐月分析法对该技术实施后的节电率、回收期进行了计算。
In using payback period method, a maximum payback period is set for all projects. 在应用回收期法时应为所有项目制定一个最长回收期。
The payback period can be used to choose among competing alternatives. Using this method, the investment with the shortest payback period is preferred over investments with longer payback periods. 回收期可用于选择竞争性被选方案,回收期短的方案要优于回收期长的方案。
It was found that the mostly used Method of investment decision is payback method and the mostly use discount rate is the loan interest rate of banks during the same period in China. 有研究结果表明,我国企业最常用的投资决策方法是回收期法;最常使用的折现率是同期银行的贷款利率;
There are two most widely used methods: Payback method and Return on Capital Employed. 广泛使用的有两种方法:付还法和使用资本收益法。
In this paper, payback period method is used to study how the enterprises choose new invested projects with the growth of labor cost, which is of great significance in investment decision. 采用投资回收期法,研究在人工成本增长到何种情况下,企业应该选择进行新项目的投资,对企业的投资决策具有重要的借鉴意义。
By use of dynamic payback period method, analysis economical thermal resistance, R_e, in most economic status for cost of construction and operation of exterior-protected construction's thermal insulating layer. 以隔热层最小热阻为基准,选择动态投资回收期法,分析围护结构隔热层建设投资费用与运行费用等综合最经济状态下的经济热阻Re。
Through analyzing the human capital investment cost, this paper establishes the net present value model that taking the period of employment as the payback period, and provides a suitable method for the employing units to determine the period of employment by using an actual example. 通过对人力资本投资成本的分析,将聘用期视为投资回收期,建立了净现值模型,并给出了一个实例,为聘用单位确定聘用期提供了一种适用的方法。
Selection of air conditioning heat and cold sources of a building are illustrated. On the basis of selection, energy consuming, life cycle cost and payback period of investment, system gray optimization method are used to decide the best scheme of heat and cold sources. 以某大厦的空调冷热源为例,通过选型、能耗经济性能分析、寿命周期成本和投资回收期的计算,运用系统灰色优化方法,从而获得较优的冷热源设备方案。
Selected targeted demand-side management measures, the use of payback period method of evaluation of the effectiveness and the use of game analysis were compared for their competitiveness, given the investment recovery period is short, and competitive demand-side management. 选取有针对性的需求侧管理技术措施,运用投资回收期法进行效益评估,并采用博弈分析对其竞争力进行比较,优选出了投资回收期短、有竞争力的需求侧管理方法。
The achievements by the usage of Payback Period Method indicate that the construction of BI system can recover the whole investment in less than 3 years, in this point of view, it is quite an appropriate investment projects. 运用投资回收期法分析,结果表明:BI系统不到3年便可收回全部投资,是一个十分合适的投资项目。